Continuing the discussion from LibreTime Demo site: Do you have LibreTime powered site? List them here and we can then compile in the wiki and/or website.
WCRS-LP 92.7 & 98.3 FM in Columbus, Ohio is using LibreTime - our website is
Just curious how that site has evolved since we first started talking in Drupal land. Possibly the next site could be built on OpenProducer!
Has there been any development on OpenProducer, overhauling the wcrs website is indeed on my development agenda for the next few months. I think I need to take it piece by piece in terms of upgrading the modules and I have don’t that yet.
Now that the most important component is closer to possible, there’s reason to update and follow through with the features and funding plan discussed on the Drupal side. Especially if we can direct resources between projects and contributors via OpenCollective.
These are LT sites. I have a lot more AT ones:
My own site:
I help support these (only on the LT side) :
I will ask some of the others (music stations) that are in the install/testing phase if they want listing yet.
@JohnnyC1951Thanks for listing! Are all those Joomla powered?
@robbt @hairmare Should we have a wiki or page on the LibreTime site to list out these sites?
Hosted on Digital Ocean running Debian Jessie.
Click link to hear Libretime streaming to YouTube!
Figure i’ll chime in here -
Our odds and end made webradio called Radiocapsule is now running with Libretime. We mostly use liquidsoap tricks for 24/24 playlisting, and Libretime mostly for live shows, webstreams or delayed/pre-recorded transmissions.
Dusting off this post as there’s surely more sites using LibreTime. Please add yours to the comments!
Indeed on our own server, amazon alexa, and on TuneIn
Eagle Wings Online Radio.
We use it at Basswise
Running on Dokku with Ruby on Rails back-end and Bootstrap framework with custom CSS.
It’s been running pretty smoothly using a mixture of pre-recorded and live shows as well as using things like the API.
Very inspiring!
∏-node is an experimental platform for the development of an hybrid web/FM/DAB+ radio format. Through the interlinking of different approaches, tools, technologies and networks a decentralised broadcast structure is established where each of the network’s nodes serves to both receive and transmit information. Such a structure seeks to break with the classic one-way communication scheme, substituting it with a horizontal peer-to-peer model.
∏-node wants to explore the many dimensions of radio – its physicality (ether, radio waves and the electromagnetic spectrum), its spatiality (bandwidth, frequencies), its infrastructure (network of radio receivers/emitters), its methods of production and editorial content management (programming boards/teams, recording studios), its methods of metadata reception (RDS/SDR), its history (free radio and pirate radio movements), and its legislation. Most importantly, π-node also wants to examine the future role and potential of radio in a time when everything is going digital.
We use
- 5 instance of Libretime in LXC container
- Icecream js library to allow streaming from a webpage
- Asterisk server for incoming phone call
- a set of cutom liquidsoap and bash scripts to generate streams
- a file dropping - sharing system
Many Thanks to dev / community / people involved in Libretime
Would love to see some write-ups or links to tutorials on how to integrate asterisk or just about your setup in general, it looks very cool.
Hi robbt,
thanks for your feedback + thanks for all you are doing
To integrate asterisk, we use this type of configuration with a SIP provider you can call with a phone linked to the asterisk server that produce an icecast stream from the call. In our previous configuration, the phone call was generating a master source > libretime = taking immediately the “control” of our main stream
I can give more infos on the whole set-up if needeed
After seeing the following from @kmahelona, I’m thinking a case study on what they’re doing would be pretty cool!