impossible to do a clean installation neither in ubuntu 16.04, 18.04.5

I have been trying to install libretime on a clean installation of Ubuntu both 18.04.5 and 16.04, but I just don’t understand why so many errors jump when installing, what changed with libretime or will the Google Cloud servers not allow me to do a good installation ?.
I follow below the instructions that come in “LibreTime - Install” but it is so simple that it is almost concise and I cannot find the solution to the problems that arise.

Unbuntu 16.04:
AH00526: Syntax error on line 26 of /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/airtime.conf:
Invalid command ‘RewriteEngine’, perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
ERROR: unknown location of Apache sites-available or virtual host directory!

I hope this message is not forgotten like some I saw with no response for several months.
By the way, I suggest that you homogenize a place where you can receive support either through this forum or on github, since going to both is a mess.

I just had the same issue after install on Debian 10. The install process creates the airtime.conf file for apache2 and activates it, but it doesn’t enable the rewrite mod or restart / reload the apache2 instance.

So what I did was go to /etc/apache2/sites-available/ and make sure airtime.conf existed there. (You could skip this and go to the next step.)

Then I checked in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ and made sure airtime.conf was listed there as well, which means that it is enabled.

If you like, you can open airtime.conf in your favorite text editor (or use cat) and confirm that like 26 is attempting to turn on Rewrite Engine. Or just skip to the next step.

As root (or use sudo), type the following command and press enter: a2enmod rewrite

As root (or use sudo), check to see if apache2 is running: systemctl status apache2

If it’s running, use the command: systemctl restart apache2

If it’s not running, use the command: systemctl start apache2

Check the status again: systemctl status apache2

If it’s not running, see what the errors are. If it is running, you should be set!