Plupupload not working

Plupupload is failing everytime using 18.4 and latest LT from git was working fine in test until we added domain name.
from journalctl:
Unrecoverable error: AccessRefused(403, “ACCESS_REFUSED - access to exchange ‘reply.celery.pidbox’ in vhost ‘/airtime’ refused for user ‘airtime’”, (40, 10), ‘Exchange.declare’)
at end of upload

from zend.log
[MediaController.php:161 - postAction()] - ACCESS_REFUSED - access to exchange ‘airtime-uploads’ in vhost ‘/airtime’ refused for user ‘airtime’

thoughts please

check if the “airtime” user in rabbitmq works and recreate it if it’s missing:

We checked that and everything was correct reverted hostname and uploads worked again so going to look into this more