This article about CiviCRM may provide some inspiration and guidance with regards to how we can sustain the LibreTime project and a core team.
These are some of the CiviCRM sustainability initiatives:
- Make It Happen (MIH) - campaigns to get or support new features that you’d like to see into the project but which hasn’t been included within core development
- Support for bug fixes - funding priority bug fixes
- Paid Issue Queue - letting people with the money jump the queue and get the fixes they needed into project
- Hire the Core Team - to develop the features for your next project (providing that it was inline with our wider objectives).
- Partner Program - for service providers that wanted to financially support the project
- Member Program - for end users that wanted to do the same.
Aside from hiring the core team, we probably could run similar initiatives by leveraging the LibreTime collective and Open Collective API.
Curious to get some thoughts from the LibreTime team and other stakeholders. Would these types of initiatives work for this project?