With regards to using platforms like Github sponsors, Open Collective, and Patreon as tools to sustain LibreTime, we might want to take a look at OBS as a model -
Contributing to the OBS Project Contribute | OBS
Thank you for your interest in supporting our work!
Open Broadcaster Software is an open source project freely available under the GPL and developed by a dedicated team of passionate individuals. Your contributions help support our developers and fund equipment purchases for easier testing and development. They also go towards software licenses and other project expenses such as website and server hosting.
It’s important to us that OBS is available free without advertisements and your contributions make that possible!
If you’re a developer looking to get involved with the project directly please view our contributing guidelines on GitHub or visit our Community Discord.
Recurring Contributions
I like how they differentiate between Open Collective and Patreon
Open Collective - https://opencollective.com/obsproject/contribute
Open Collective contributions go to a communal fund used to support core members of the OBS developer community. The usage of these funds is transparent and publicly visible.
Companies that sponsor the OBS Project on Open Collective will be featured on this page, and Gold/Diamond/Premiere sponsors will be featured on the home page.
If your business or content channel relies on Open Broadcaster Software as part of your source of income, we recommend sponsoring the OBS Project.
and Patreon - Lain Bailey | Patreon
Hugh “Jim” Bailey is OBS Projects full-time lead developer and project maintainer. You can support his work directly by contributing on Patreon.
Patrons at the $50 tier and above are listed on this page as a thank you for their support.
If you’re a creator or individual that relies on Open Broadcaster Software as part of your source of income, we recommend sponsoring Jim.
Some things to consider for LibreTime
What if we could incorporate some of those elements -
- similar ‘contribute’ page on https://libretime.org/ - Contribute | OBS
- create a similar call to action where the recurring donations and sponsors are simply to sustain the project and core members. There’s no need to detail exactly how funds will be used. Something like the OBS call to action should suffice “Your contributions help support our developers and fund equipment purchases for easier testing and development. They also go towards software licenses and other project expenses such as website and server hosting.”
- Open Collective (LibreTime - Open Collective) - create tiers / benefits similar to https://opencollective.com/obsproject/contribute
- Patreon (would it make sense to create a Patreon for LibreTime?) - if yes, we could create tiers / benefits similar to Lain Bailey | Patreon
- GitHub sponsors (shouldn’t LibreTime signup? GitHub Sponsors · GitHub) - if that happens, maybe have tiers that match both your Open Collective and Patreon?
Finally, while the governance and spending plan will be helpful, I’m not sure it needs to be formalized before tightening up our fundraising messaging.