OpenCollective Spending Proposal

Circling back here to inform folks not in the know that @paddatrapper recently published the LibreTime Spending Policy :raised_hands: and we’ve been talking about it in the Sustain channel (LibreTime Chat).

Surfacing a bit of the conversation below:

Any Contributor, Maintainer or Administrator can propose a project related to LibreTime (demo, website, documentation, feature implementation, etc.) that could be funded by the LibreTime Open Collective. All proposals must include an estimated cost.

Question from me regarding the section of the proposal referenced above:

I’m trying to wrap my head around this section. Is it saying that anyone can create a feature request and LibreTime ‘might’ fund it? If yes, how would that be possible considering the limited amount of funds in LibreTime’s collective? LibreTime - Open Collective

@paddatrapper responded:

Your reading is correct, anyone who is active in the project can propose a project. However there is an evaluation step that will include how much LibreTime has to spend. If there is no money to spend, then there is no approval for any projects. I agree that there should probably be motivation for fundraising, but it shouldn’t be required. Perhaps a requirement is a note somewhere/blog post acknowledging the fact that LibreTime provided the funding

With that, I’d like to recommend we look at how open source projects OBS and Mautic are using tools like Github and Open Collective to encourage and facilitate community contributions.

Specifically, I’d recommend we look at incorporating a process similar to Mautic’s RFP process as it was heavily inspired by the OBS Project Bounty Program.

Curious to hear thoughts on those recommendations from the team!