In March, GitCoin and Open Source Collective are launching FUNDOSS, a pilot matching campaign based on a novel new matching model that amplifies the voice of the many. Called – democratic funding – this matching algorithm has already raised over $11M for over 7,000 projects.
Democratic Funding amplifies a single voice. On a systemic level, it optimizes the distribution of the matching in a more democratic distribution of contribution. “Small” donations can be supercharged () In past campaigns, a $1 contribution has yielded up to $150 in matching funds.
Democratic Funding can turn individual donations into powerful signals of exponential monetary value. FUNDOSS is a pilot program where success relies on the activation your networks. So sign up now, contribute to the fund, refer a friend, and get excited! We hope this is the first match of many.
Assuming LibreTime is accepted (chances again are good), are there particular goals or outcomes we’d like to accomplish with this type of campaign? Would a successful campaign help those already working on 3.0 release blockers?
What would entice a large number of stations and other types of users to make a small donation during a two-week campaign?
I think that would be great. Though part of that would need to be a security review to ensure that LT is safe to present directly to the public internet
Seems like this would be a good goal regardless of LibreTime’s acceptance into the pilot (we’re kicking around the idea of running our own ‘Community Media Matching Fund Campaign’).
Would this type of security review be part of a 3.0 release?
Would we create a Github task for creating/adding the app to DigitalOcean?
FYI LibreTime did not get accepted into the pilot. This may not be a bad thing since FundOSS will be coordinating multiple rounds ongoing and they’re planning on making the platform and funding tools available via Open Collective · GitHub
So possibly we could participate in a community media flavor of FundOSS.
Just FYI the FundOSS went live the other day. While LibreTime did not make this round (no worries, there will be additional rounds), our friends at AzuraCast and OpenProducer platform (if you consider me a friend ) are currently testing the waters
Considering there are LibreTime integrations and collaborations being discussed, any small donations to either of these projects will help move those forward.