Microsite Web - getting rid of the non-functioning podcast button

After some time I found the piece of code responsible for displaying the podcast button -
its in /usr/share/airtime/php/legacy/application/views/scripts/index/index.phtm lines 317 - 323

            // Is there a better way to do this?
            if ($this->displayRssTab) {?>
                $("#player_iframe").contents().find('.bottom_bar').append("<div class='station_rss_btn button' data-tab='tab-4'></div>");

I get the feeling podcast publishing will not be supported in the future, so I removed it, there is some additional code displaying the podcast tab in the index.phtml, but removing just this is enough for me.

The index.phtml is the microsite code displaying the radio page. I did not found any links to it in the forums or help, but this is the location, where you can make some additional edits in your microsite in addition to CSS page about which is written in docs.

Sorry for spaming about it here, but it took me quite some time to find it - it can be helpfull for someone in the futureā€¦