I have some scheduled shows that are filled with smart blocks. That seems to work just fine. My shows are setup to repeat and are linked. All shows have one smart block assigned to it.
My question now is: At what moment are the tracks in a smart block defined? Or the other way around, what if I edit the criteria of a smart block. Will the new criteria being applied to those scheduled shows or not?
If you define the smart block as dynamic the criteria is set at the moment you assign that smart block to a slot. If you define the smart block as static, at the moment you click on “Generate”
I found this other reply here in the forum, and together with your reply that clarifies it completely.
So I wanted to have the songs defined dynamically, but also not weeks in advance. So I created a playlist for each smartblock and assign that playlist to the show using the “Autoloading Playlist” feature. So the content gets automatically assigned an hour before the show starts taking into account any changes made to the smart block and changes in the library.