Custom audio players

I think that Radio station plugin is a separate project in and of itself but the web player plugin they are developing should be stand-alone and at the same time compatible with LibreTime and other radio streams.

Really the widget is kind of a hack for people who don’t have their own solution built into their website like what hopefully the radio station plugin will provide or whatever other custom player.

At this point we just need someone to do full testing on the widget we provide with every imaginable browser and operating system combination, report their findings and then make a decision if there is something better we can plugin that will replace what we have. It could be a rather involved process.

I don’t see the widget being an essential part of LibreTime because the functionality can be easily duplicated elsewhere but in reality a lot of people using LibreTime depend on it I think because they don’t have other solutions in place already. So it is a useful component and it’d be good to provide the best option that we can out of the box.