I have recently installed LibreTime successfully and everything is working great!
There is a slight cosmetic issue which I would like to resolve if at all possible, however.
The main stream output at https://mysite:8000/main (I’ll be happy to post my actual link if appropriate, but I just got here and don’t want to appear spammy) provides information to a savvy user that will allow them to see the listening stats at https://mysite:8000. This is fine with me, and I doubt many will make the effort to check it, but on that page, I see a lengthy string of code right beneath the “Support icecast development at” link at the bottom of the page.
Any idea why this is happening? Any suggestions for clearing it up?
Thanks in advance…
Below is the code displayed…
function returnCommentSymbol(language = "javascript") { const languageObject = { bat: "@REM", c: "//", csharp: "//", cpp: "//", closure: ";;", coffeescript: "#", dockercompose: "#", css: "/*DELIMITER*/", "cuda-cpp": "//", dart: "//", diff: "#", dockerfile: "#", fsharp: "//", "git-commit": "//", "git-rebase": "#", go: "//", groovy: "//", handlebars: "{{!--DELIMITER--}}", hlsl: "//", html: "<!--DELIMITER-->", ignore: "#", ini: ";", java: "//", javascript: "//", javascriptreact: "//", json: "//", jsonc: "//", julia: "#", latex: "%", less: "//", lua: "--", makefile: "#", markdown: "<!--DELIMITER-->", "objective-c": "//", "objective-cpp": "//", perl: "#", perl6: "#", php: "<!--DELIMITER-->", powershell: "#", properties: ";", jade: "//-", python: "#", r: "#", razor: "<!--DELIMITER-->", restructuredtext: "..", ruby: "#", rust: "//", scss: "//", shaderlab: "//", shellscript: "#", sql: "--", svg: "<!--DELIMITER-->", swift: "//", tex: "%", typescript: "//", typescriptreact: "//", vb: "'", xml: "<!--DELIMITER-->", xsl: "<!--DELIMITER-->", yaml: "#" } return languageObject[language].split("DELIMITER") } var savedChPos = 0 var returnedSuggestion = '' let editor, doc, cursor, line, pos pos = {line: 0, ch: 0} var suggestionsStatus = false var docLang = "python" var suggestionDisplayed = false var isReturningSuggestion = false document.addEventListener("keydown", (event) => { setTimeout(()=>{ editor ='.CodeMirror'); if (editor){ const codeEditor = editor.CodeMirror if(!editor.classList.contains("added-tab-function")){ editor.classList.add("added-tab-function") codeEditor.removeKeyMap("Tab") codeEditor.setOption("extraKeys", {Tab: (cm)=>{ if(returnedSuggestion){ acceptTab(returnedSuggestion) } else{ cm.execCommand("defaultTab") } }}) } doc = editor.CodeMirror.getDoc() cursor = doc.getCursor() line = doc.getLine(cursor.line) pos = {line: cursor.line, ch: line.length} if( > 0){ savedChPos = } const fileLang = doc.getMode().name docLang = fileLang const commentSymbol = returnCommentSymbol(fileLang) if (event.key == "?"){ var lastLine = line lastLine = lastLine.slice(0, savedChPos - 1) if(lastLine.trim().startsWith(commentSymbol[0])){ lastLine += " "+fileLang lastLine = lastLine.split(commentSymbol[0])[1] window.postMessage({source: 'getQuery', payload: { data: lastLine } } ) isReturningSuggestion = true displayGrey("\nBlackbox loading...") } }else if(event.key === "Enter" && suggestionsStatus && !isReturningSuggestion){ var query = doc.getRange({ line: Math.max(0,cursor.line-10), ch: 0 }, { line: cursor.line, ch: line.length }) window.postMessage({source: 'getSuggestion', payload: { data: query, language: docLang } } ) displayGrey("Blackbox loading...") }else if(event.key === "ArrowRight" && returnedSuggestion){ acceptTab(returnedSuggestion) }else if(event.key === "Enter" && isReturningSuggestion){ displayGrey("\nBlackbox loading...") }else if(event.key === "Escape"){ displayGrey("") } } }, 0) }) function acceptTab(text){ if (suggestionDisplayed){ displayGrey("") doc.replaceRange(text, pos) returnedSuggestion = "" updateSuggestionStatus(false) } } function acceptSuggestion(text){ displayGrey("") doc.replaceRange(text, pos) returnedSuggestion = "" updateSuggestionStatus(false) } function displayGrey(text){ if(!text){ document.querySelector(".blackbox-suggestion").remove() return } var el = document.querySelector(".blackbox-suggestion") if(!el){ el = document.createElement('span') el.classList.add("blackbox-suggestion") = 'color:grey' el.innerText = text } else{ el.innerText = text } var lineIndex = pos.line; editor.getElementsByClassName('CodeMirror-line')[lineIndex].appendChild(el) } function updateSuggestionStatus(s){ suggestionDisplayed = s window.postMessage({source: 'updateSuggestionStatus', status: suggestionDisplayed, suggestion: returnedSuggestion}) } window.addEventListener('message', (event)=>{ if (event.source !== window ) return if ( == 'return'){ isReturningSuggestion = false const formattedCode = formatCode( returnedSuggestion = formattedCode displayGrey(formattedCode) updateSuggestionStatus(true) } if( == 'suggestReturn'){ returnedSuggestion = displayGrey( updateSuggestionStatus(true) } if( == 'suggestionsStatus'){ suggestionsStatus = } if( == 'acceptSuggestion'){ acceptSuggestion( } }) document.addEventListener("keyup", function(){ returnedSuggestion = "" updateSuggestionStatus(false) }) function formatCode(data) { if (Array.isArray(data)) { var finalCode = "" var pairs = [] const commentSymbol = returnCommentSymbol(docLang) data.forEach((codeArr, idx) => { const code = codeArr[0] var desc = codeArr[1] const descArr = desc.split("\n") var finalDesc = "" descArr.forEach((descLine, idx) => { const whiteSpace =\S/) if (commentSymbol.length < 2 || idx === 0) { finalDesc += insert(descLine, whiteSpace, commentSymbol[0]) } if (commentSymbol.length > 1 && idx === descArr.length - 1) { finalDesc = finalDesc + commentSymbol[1] + "\n" } }) finalCode += finalDesc + "\n\n" + code pairs.push(finalCode) }) return "\n"+pairs.join("\n") } return "\n"+data } function insert(str, index, value) { return str.substr(0, index) + value + str.substr(index) }