Best install set up

Tell me please, when can I install libretime on ubuntu 20.04?
I tried installing libretime-3.0.0-alpha.8 on ubuntu 18.04 with python 3.7. There were a lot of errors related to python 2.7 and 3.7 incompatibility.
Maybe I tried the wrong version?

Use Master branch instead which is more updated.

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I cloned Master branch now.
git clone

sudo ./install

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Detecting distribution and release …
Detected distribution id: ubuntu
Detected distribution release id: 20.04
Detected distribution description: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
ERROR: Distribution “Ubuntu 20.04 LTS” is not supported with “ubuntu-20.04”!

I meant for 18.04 since I seen that you tried on that and had errors.

Thank you! But whats about 20.04?

I believe 20.04 doesn’t include Python 2, maybe after the Python 3 PR is released in Libretime (should be soon) then you can test. I had issues with 19.04, haven’t really looked into it (or haven’t had the time) but the best setup I think is with 18.04, that’s what I’ve been running LT on… that could change soon.

My problem with 18.04 was that I need python3.7 for another package that runs on the same server. And this python package is set as default.

So yeah, 20.04 is something we will explore once we have python 3 support merged, any day now. There is a new php 7.4 included with 20.04 and it isn’t certain whether that will work without requiring changes to the code, so we need to test that as well.

It can be tricky to run LibreTime on the same server as other software, just be sure you know how to manually configure apache etc. LibreTime is denied to be installed primarily to run on a stand-alone server at this point because it installs a lot of different services and in theory could interfere or change something that is already running. Let’s just say it is untested but could probably work as long as you have enough memory to run it and your existing workload.

Feel free to open an issue at regarding 20.04 support and we can discuss it further there.

Thanks for this.

After installing it using git what comes next? How do I fire up LibreTime? I’ve tried visiting the IP address on my VPS servery using Ubuntu 18.04, but that didn’t work. I also tried the root address but that also didn’t work.

Any help is appreciated.

You download via hit and the need to run the install script. It should provide a url at the end to go to. If you got the script installed but nothing happens something might have went wrong and I’d check the install script text.