I’d like to extend the schedule API to show four weeks instead of two. I’ve grepped the source code for “week-info”, “isApiCall” and looked at various files containing “schedule” (mostly for the calendar UI), but haven’t found where the output is generated for http://libretime.example.org/api/week-info/ Any hints?
Edit: Maybe this could be a configurable setting…
You can get the schedule for any date range from http://libretime.example.org/api/v2/schedule/?ends__range=start,end, assuming a newish version of LibreTime (last 2 months)
Where start and end are in the format yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SSZ
(Z being UTC)
Cool! Sadly, we’re nowhere close to a recent version. But this provides incentive to upgrade!
In the meantime, I’ll continue to search through the existing codebase (from March 2020)
Hi, coming back to this thread for some help, if I make a post request on my airtime server to:
The response tells me “Authentication credentials were not provided.”. By what method am I supposed to authenticate. Neither a query parameter nor basic auth with api_key work.
Can anyone help?