Hi, folks. I’ve been using Airtime and Libretime for about 3 years now to do my show on Radio 614. For the most part I’ve been able to use it effectively, but a couple things about the user interface have proved troublesome. The default view is the Dashboard, with the Scheduled Shows (SS) tab open on the right side of the page. Having the SS tab open by default allows users to do destructive things without meaning to. For example, let’s say I want to edit one of my existing playlists. I click Playlists in the left navigation panel, then I find the playlist, single-click it, then click the pencil button to edit. If I inadvertently double click the playlist by mistake, it’s added to the end of the current Scheduled Show, which I definitely didn’t want to do. Having the SS tab open on the Dashboard by default opens the door for inadvertent messing with the current show. It shouldn’t be so easy to do this by mistake.
I can think of a couple different ways to change the functionality to mitigate this. Consider not defaulting the SS tab to open - make users do something deliberate in order to edit what’s currently being broadcast. On the Playlist tab, make a double-click open the playlist for editing, or at the very least do nothing upon double-click. There are probably other options.
I’m curious if anyone else has reported this as a problem, and if you’ve considered addressing this. Let me know if you have any questions about my experiences as a user.