LibreTime Version d74d3db59 - which version is this?

I am trying to workout which version of Libretime I am running. The Setting tab states d74d3db59 but I cannot find what version this corresponds to? Any ideas please?

this version? GitHub - libretime/libretime at d74d3db59a4a05a8330675046a7c1065e05f1735

That look like it. If I understand properly, it is part of the 2.6 branch.
Do you know if libretime has a repo upgrade route? The official upgrade process seems very complicated to me.

You probably somewhere between:

# If you installed from the main branch
$ git describe --tag d74d3db59a4a05a8330675046a7c1065e05f1735

# If you installed from the tagged version
$ git describe --contains d74d3db59a4a05a8330675046a7c1065e05f1735

Looking at the release dates, It looks about right. Many thanks