Hi guys,
I schedule a new task in the calendar, it starts, changes to “On Air” for only 5s.
As I’m starting now with Libretime and it’s not working well as described above.
In “Current” song field and progress line the song indicates to be ok, but this is not true.
Does the error below clarify something in order to help me with the problem?
In path /var/lib/libretime/playout/scheduler/ files was created with zero bytes. There is permission (www-data)!
If I try fqdn/airtime-rclabs-com-br/rest/media/21 I get a JSON of file metadata.
If I try fqdn/rest/media/21/dowload I will download files with sucess.
If I try fqdn/airtime.rclabs.com.br:80/api/v2/files/23/download/ I get a error as the log.
fqdn = airtime.rclabs.com.br
I restarted all five systemd services, but it does not solve.
In this message, I removed any http/fqdn because system does not permit new user to post more than 2 links.
Thanks in advanced.
Best regards,
Regivaldo Costa
---- LOGs from playout.log ------
2022-06-09 17:38:15.815 | INFO | libretime_playout.pypofile:copy_file:59 - {‘id’: 23, ‘type’: ‘file’, ‘metadata’: {‘id’: 23, ‘name’: ‘’, ‘mime’:
‘audio/mp3’, ‘ftype’: ‘audioclip’, ‘directory’: 1, ‘filepath’: ‘imported/1/Lanie Gardner/Música/Lanie Gardner - Dreams by Fleetwood Mac.mp3’, ‘import
_status’: 0, ‘currentlyaccessing’: 0, ‘editedby’: None, ‘mtime’: ‘2022-06-09 21:08:13’, ‘utime’: ‘2022-06-09 21:08:10’, ‘lptime’: None, ‘md5’: ‘aa353
a06ab886813959d94dbf1fde25d’, ‘track_title’: ‘Dreams by Fleetwood Mac’, ‘artist_name’: ‘Lanie Gardner’, ‘bit_rate’: 123304, ‘sample_rate’: 48000, ‘fo
rmat’: None, ‘length’: ‘00:04:19.848’, ‘album_title’: ‘Música’, ‘genre’: None, ‘comments’: None, ‘year’: None, ‘track_number’: None, ‘channels’: 2, ’
url’: None, ‘bpm’: None, ‘rating’: None, ‘encoded_by’: None, ‘disc_number’: None, ‘mood’: None, ‘label’: None, ‘composer’: None, ‘encoder’: None, ‘ch
ecksum’: None, ‘lyrics’: None, ‘orchestra’: None, ‘conductor’: None, ‘lyricist’: None, ‘original_lyricist’: None, ‘radio_station_name’: None, ‘info_u
rl’: None, ‘artist_url’: None, ‘audio_source_url’: None, ‘radio_station_url’: None, ‘buy_this_url’: None, ‘isrc_number’: None, ‘catalog_number’: None
, ‘original_artist’: None, ‘copyright’: None, ‘report_datetime’: None, ‘report_location’: None, ‘report_organization’: None, ‘subject’: None, ‘contri
butor’: None, ‘language’: None, ‘replay_gain’: ‘-1.06’, ‘owner_id’: 1, ‘cuein’: ‘00:00:00’, ‘cueout’: ‘00:04:13.378’, ‘hidden’: False, ‘filesize’: 40
05413, ‘description’: None, ‘artwork’: ‘’, ‘track_type’: ‘’}, ‘row_id’: 86, ‘uri’: ‘fqdn/airtime.rclabs.com.br/rest/media/23’, ‘fade_in’: 500, ‘fad
e_out’: 0, ‘cue_in’: 0, ‘cue_out’: 253.3, ‘start’: datetime.datetime(2022, 6, 9, 21, 38, 14), ‘end’: datetime.datetime(2022, 6, 9, 21, 42, 28), ‘show
_name’: ‘Teste03’, ‘replay_gain’: -1.06, ‘independent_event’: False, ‘filesize’: 4005413, ‘file_ext’: ‘.mp3’, ‘dst’: ‘/var/lib/libretime/playout/sche
duler/23.mp3’, ‘file_ready’: False}
2022-06-09 17:38:15.815 | INFO | libretime_playout.pypofetch:handle_message:122 - New timeout: 400
2022-06-09 17:38:15.817 | INFO | libretime_playout.pypofetch:main:508 - Loop #7
2022-06-09 17:38:15.820 | ERROR | libretime_playout.pypofile:copy_file:85 - Could not copy from fqdn/airtime.rclabs.com.br/rest/media/23 to /var
2022-06-09 17:38:15.820 | ERROR | libretime_playout.pypofile:copy_file:86 - 502 Server Error: Bad Gateway for url: fqdn/airtime.rclabs.com.br:80
2022-06-09 17:38:15.820 | INFO | libretime_playout.pypofile:copy_file:56 - copying from airtime.rclabs.com.br/rest/media/21 to local cache
2022-06-09 17:38:15.821 | INFO | libretime_playout.pypofile:copy_file:59 - {‘id’: 21, ‘type’: ‘file’, ‘metadata’: {‘id’: 21, ‘name’: ‘’, ‘mime’:
‘audio/mp3’, ‘ftype’: ‘audioclip’, ‘directory’: 1, ‘filepath’: ‘imported/1/Dua Lipa Ft. Elton John/Single/Dua Lipa Ft. Elton John - Cold Heart.mp3’,
‘import_status’: 0, ‘currentlyaccessing’: 0, ‘editedby’: None, ‘mtime’: ‘2022-06-09 21:08:10’, ‘utime’: ‘2022-06-09 21:08:08’, ‘lptime’: None, ‘md5’:
‘9e66834362a0320fef6e969b31114971’, ‘track_title’: ‘Cold Heart’, ‘artist_name’: ‘Dua Lipa Ft. Elton John’, ‘bit_rate’: 128000, ‘sample_rate’: 44100,
‘format’: None, ‘length’: ‘00:03:22.587567’, ‘album_title’: ‘Single’, ‘genre’: ‘Dance Hall’, ‘comments’: None, ‘year’: ‘2021’, ‘track_number’: 4, ‘c
hannels’: 2, ‘url’: None, ‘bpm’: None, ‘rating’: None, ‘encoded_by’: None, ‘disc_number’: None, ‘mood’: None, ‘label’: ‘PMEDIA’, ‘composer’: None, ‘e
ncoder’: None, ‘checksum’: None, ‘lyrics’: None, ‘orchestra’: None, ‘conductor’: None, ‘lyricist’: None, ‘original_lyricist’: None, ‘radio_station_na
me’: None, ‘info_url’: None, ‘artist_url’: None, ‘audio_source_url’: None, ‘radio_station_url’: None, ‘buy_this_url’: None, ‘isrc_number’: None, ‘cat
alog_number’: None, ‘original_artist’: None, ‘copyright’: ‘PMEDIA’, ‘report_datetime’: None, ‘report_location’: None, ‘report_organization’: None, ‘s
ubject’: None, ‘contributor’: None, ‘language’: None, ‘replay_gain’: ‘-9.26’, ‘owner_id’: 1, ‘cuein’: ‘00:00:00’, ‘cueout’: ‘00:03:18.659’, ‘hidden’:
False, ‘filesize’: 3298461, ‘description’: None, ‘artwork’: ‘’, ‘track_type’: ‘’}, ‘row_id’: 87, ‘uri’: ‘http://airtime.rclabs.com.br/rest/media/21’
, ‘fade_in’: 500, ‘fade_out’: 0, ‘cue_in’: 0, ‘cue_out’: 198.6, ‘start’: datetime.datetime(2022, 6, 9, 21, 42, 28), ‘end’: datetime.datetime(2022, 6,
9, 21, 45, 46), ‘show_name’: ‘Teste03’, ‘replay_gain’: -9.26, ‘independent_event’: False, ‘filesize’: 3298461, ‘file_ext’: ‘.mp3’, ‘dst’: ‘/var/lib/
libretime/playout/scheduler/21.mp3’, ‘file_ready’: False}
2022-06-09 17:38:15.825 | ERROR | libretime_playout.pypofile:copy_file:85 - Could not copy from airtime.rclabs.com.br/rest/media/21 to /var
2022-06-09 17:38:15.826 | ERROR | libretime_playout.pypofile:copy_file:86 - 502 Server Error: Bad Gateway for url: http://airtime.rclabs.com.br:80
2022-06-09 17:38:15.826 | INFO | libretime_playout.pypofile:copy_file:56 - copying from fqdn/airtime.rclabs.com.br/rest/media/22 to local cache
— End -------------------------------------------------------