Genuine Appreciation

After repeated “quality of support” issues with Spacial and SAM Broadcaster, coupled with three straight days of failure after failure trying to get Airtime setup, I stumbled on your fork.

I’ve never been so pleased to have something just work as intended, and I want to extend my sincere appreciation for all the time and effort every developer, every documenter, every person, has placed into this project. Installation was simple and easy, with only one minor hiccup I easily overcame.

As someone whose paying job is as a Software Support Manager (now Product Manager), I know developers don’t always hear when things go good, so I made sure you did this time.

Also, I’ll be doing what I can to contribute, especially with documentation! I already saw the link in another thread about the current list for doc needs, so I’ll hit that with a fervor when time allows!

Thank you again!