Calendar on public page not updating

When I update shows, and show length. The main calendar on the start page doesn’t change. It just shows the old info

Ok I get what the problem is, Libretime is set to run at UTC, but the calendar is displaying GMT +2

I have now changed the server time to UTC, but still the calendar shows my local time.

Yeah there is some bug in the calendar timezone - see - any help in terms of diagnosing the code and/or providing a fix is welcome.

Thank you for the reply, but it doesn’t really help.

Yeah sorry no solution has been devised yet. LibreTime as a free-software project at this point relies upon volunteers to do most of the coding, bug fixes etc and this issue hasn’t received a fix yet. I suspect there is an issue in the JavaScript. I might be able to look at it after I put some more work into solving some higher priority beta 3 release blockers.

I love Libretime. I really appreciate the time all you guys put in. Thank you. Keep up the good work.