I think Auto-DJ is great but I think most people want some kind of control, I personally think the way LB is now is a much better solution for serious stations. One might be able to achieve something similar by just using smart blocks in a playlist, you would just need to spend a day organizing your tracks and how you want that playlist to look, then just repeat it throughout the day. I guess you can use one of the unused fields to add some sort of weight that you can at least use in Smart Blocks.
I’ve added a couple new fields just to make it easier for me that can be used in the search criteria inside Smart Blocks, I think I might just add another one with ratings. At the moment, I notice people are using Genre for things like Jingles, but I needed it to be a bit more organized so I added a Media Type dropdown (Music, Station ID, Intro, Outro, Sweeper, Jingle, Promo, Shout Out, News, Commercial, Interview, Voice Tracking) since I needed it separate from Genre in my app. It’s in my fork of LB right now, but I still need to get a few things sorted out before doing a pull-request to original. I just did this because I needed a quick solution with artwork for my app since I switched from SAM Broadcaster Cloud to this but you can still do this if using Genre for the types in case you need some kind of solution.
So this would be my setup if I was trying to do a station like that using Smart Blocks, create a few Smart Blocks:
Sweeper :: Media Type Is Sweeper ::Limit to 1 Items
Sound Bridges :: Media Type Is Sound Bridges ::Limit to 1 Items
Promo :: Media Type Is Promo ::Limit to 1 Items
Commercials [2x] :: Media Type Is Commercial ::Limit to 2 Items
Commercials [3x] :: Media Type Is Commercial ::Limit to 3 Items
Then you can decide how you want to get the songs or just mix them up when you add them to playlist.
Random Song[1x] ::Media Type Is Music ::Limit to 1 Items
Random Song[2x] ::Media Type Is Music ::Limit to 2 Items
Random Song[3x] ::Media Type Is Music ::Limit to 3 Items
Random Song[5 Mins] ::Media Type Is Music ::Limit to 5 Minutes ::Allow Last Track to Exceed…
Random Song[10 Mins] ::Media Type Is Music ::Limit to 10 Minutes ::Allow Last Track to Exceed…
Random Song[15 Mins] ::Media Type Is Music ::Limit to 15 Minutes ::Allow Last Track to Exceed…
Create Playlist named Station ID, and set it in Settings>General>Intro Autoloading Playlist so you can add all the Station IDs and play on top of the hour.
Create another playlist: “My Random” Playlist and just start filling it with smart blocks, for example:
Random Song[10 Mins]
Commercials [3x]
Random Song[10 Mins]
Sound Bridges
Random Song[2x]
Commercials [3x]
Random Song[10 Mins]
Commercials [2x]
Random Song[2x]
Random Song[1x]
Commercials [3x]
Random Song[10 Mins]
Sound Bridges
Random Song[2x]
Commercials [3x]
Random Song[10 Mins]
Random Song[2x]
If we use this playlist for an hour, just add more than an hour of smart blocks just to make sure you have no gaps since some songs could be shorter.
Now when going to Calendar (which I renamed to Schedule since I feel it’s a better term in Radio) Just create a show depending on how long you made the playlist, so if one hour, do a 1 hour show for every hour of the day. When you edit the show, like robbt mentioned, you can autoload that playlist on all shows and set it all shows to repeat on the whole week. I mean you could probably just do 1 long 24hr show and set that to repeat but you’ll be all day organizing. The way I showed you, you’ll have more control and can always schedule a live show for whatever hour. Djs can always come in and out of live broadcast they are scheduled for, and if they come out a live broadcast after just a few minutes it will just continue playing what you had in the playlist seamlessly.