Adding a lower bit rate stream

Id like to add an extra output stream from my libretime install at a lower bit rate. Currently running 256 would like to add a 128 for our lower bandwidth backup link.

What’s the method to do this please? I’m not clear if I need to edit icecast config on libretime yml.



Hi Nathan: LibreTime supports three output streams for Icecast (plus one for Shoutcast, but ours is deactivated). You can see the output streams at “Settings, Streams”.

To change the stream settings you need to edit the Libretime config file, /etc/libretime/config.yml at the section labelled “# Icecast output streams”.

It looks something this:

       # You can define extra outputs by reusing the default output using a yaml anchor
       - <<: *default_icecast_output
       # Stream2 on LibreTime
         enabled: true   
         port: 8000
         mount: mountpointname
         source_password: icecastsourcepassword
           format: mp3
           bitrate: 128

LibreTime will make a connection to your Icecast server at the mountpoint you specify.

Make sure you have enough sources specified in your /etc/icecast2/icecast.xml file, for example:


Hope this helps!