I installed libretime 4.2.0 on a debian 11 vps.
Very quickly the logs (syslog, daemon.log, journal…) in var/log/ grow and this causes the application to crash.
If I manage to delete these logs more quickly, the server holds.
How can I correct this or disable the logs?
Many thanks.
Hello Jeronicoz. To stop the logging run: sudo systemctl stop rsyslog (if sudo is installed) or systemctl stop rsyslog as user root. Before deleting any logs, inspect them to determine which service is causing errors. You can also run journalctl -p 3 -xb as user root or with sudo to view errors. Search for the error in your favorite search engine for a possible solution. Hope that helps.
Hello Avelinux,
Thanks for your reply. I applied your advice but I couldn’t read the logs. 40 GB is too big for Nano. On the other hand, I have blocked the services and liquidsoap is causing these errors. I need to fix this problem before restarting the service.