Hi all,
I just finished a clean install of libretime 4.2.0 on Ubuntu 20 following the official doc.
Everything works fine, but unfortunately I have no sound on the speakers.
The configuration seems correct
here is my config.conf file with pulseaudio (i tried with alsa, but it’s the same)
I have done several searches on the net, but there I have more solutions. If someone had a little idea of the origin of the problem, I thank him in advance
Hi ntic. Check first if pulseaudio is installed with the command: sudo apt list --installed | grep pulse. Checked my system on RPI 3B+ and don’t see it. So you may need to install it.
If pulseaudio is installed check if the service is running: sudo ps -ef |grep pulse. If it’s installed and running, then probably the speakers are not the default audio output device.
Personally a newbie at LibreTime, so maybe someone with more experience can advise. Hope that helps.