Frage zu Podcast automatischer import von Episoden, Question about Podcast automatic import of episodes

hallo zusammen, ich habe einen Podcast importiert, auch erfolgreich. Episoden werden mir angezeigt, auch wird eine Playlist und smartblock erstellt.

Ich muss von hand eine episode importieren, das ist klar, jetzt zu meiner frage: es gibt ja bei den Podcasts immer neue Episoden, wenn ich jetzt einen Kalendereintrag erstelle, den podcastsmartblock hinzufüge, das geht auch, auch kein thema, aber warum muss ich immer die letzte Episode des Podcasts manuell importieren? ich dachte das ginge dann automatisch?
So muss ich jeden Tag von Hand importieren, dann kann ich es auch gleich selber hochladen.

hello everyone, I have imported a podcast, also successful. Episodes are shown to me, also a playlist and smartblock is created.

I have to import an episode by hand, that’s clear, now to my question: there are always new episodes in the podcasts, if I create a calendar entry now, add the podcastsmart block, that’s possible, no topic, but why do I always have to import the last episode of the podcast manually? I thought that’s automatic?
So I have to import it every day by hand, then I can upload it myself.


It should be automatic once if you click the button “Automatically download latest episodes?” under the podcast settings.

Usually the first time you subscribe to a podcast I have found it necessary to manually import the initial episode but then the following episodes are downloaded automatically, but if I recall correctly, the downloading process is currently triggered by activity from the scheduler. For example tracks playing. So if you have dead air and then it won’t update the podcasts or the automatic playlist.

This is related to this issue -

But most stations with limited silence should have the podcasts updated on a regular basis.

Thanks for the answer,

now I get much clearer, as soon as I create a calendar entry the autoplaylist will be generated automatically.

All in all, this works, but it doesn’t make much sense in my opinion, because at the time I create it I will never have the latest podcast episodes in my playlist, only those at the time I create it, at least that’s what I found in my tests.

Actually, we want this to be automated.

I’ll give you an example:
News Deutschlandfunk, every hour there are new news, so far so good.

Now I create a calendar entry, every day at 9,12,15 o’ clock with the autoplaylist, and all this linked for one month.

And here’s the point, I found out through my tests that only the show is running which was up to date at the time I created the calendar entries.

There are no new episodes in the following broadcasts.

Thank you very much.

Danke für die Antwort,

jetzt wird mir einiges klarer, sobald ich einen Kalendereintrag erstelle wird die Autoplaylist automatisch generiert.

Im grossen und ganzen funktioniert das alles auch, nur macht er meines Erachtens nicht viel Sinn, denn zu dem Zeitpunkt wo ich es erstelle werde ich nie die neusten Podcast Episoden in meiner Playlist haben, nur die zum Zeitpunkt des erstellens, zumindest habe ich das bei meinen Tests feststellen können.

Eigentlich wollen wir das ja automatisiert haben.

Ich gebe mal ein Bespiel:
Nachrichten Deutschlandfunk, jede Stunde gibt es da neue Nachrichten, soweit so gut.

Jetzt erstelle ich einen Kalendereintrag, jeden Tag um 9, 12, 15 Uhr mit der Autoplaylist, und das ganze noch verknüpft für einen Monat.

Und hier ist der springende Punkt, ich habe durch meine Tests herausgefunden, das nur die Sendung läuft die zu der Zeit aktuell war als ich die Kalendereinträge erstellt habe.

Da ist in folgenden Sendungen nicht von neuen Episoden zu hören.

Danke schon mal.

Ok, so this isn’t working as it should.

The issue I mentioned above should only happen if there is nothing scheduled prior to the automatic playlist being deployed. At some point we should fix this issue but I’m not sure if that is what is causing the behavior you are describing.

Based upon what you are writing it appears that the Playlist doesn’t contain the newest episodes.

Does the playlist contain a Smartblock that matches the Podcast ? (This should happen automatically upon Podcast creation with a certain setting enabled.)

If so then this smartblock should be the means through which the latest podcast is connected to the playlist.

Also you mentioned that the podcast wasn’t updating with new episodes. If this isn’t happening and the setting I mentioned above is enabled then the playlist will only contain the last episode you manually downloaded. If your playlist is being added to the show automatically then the podcasts should be downloaded automatically because the service that triggers both of these is the same.

You can check and see if there are any errors in /var/log/airtime/airtime-celery.log

Also you might want to see if this wiki instruction explaining how to have automatic playlists and podcasts work together is helpful -,-Smartblocks-and-Podcasts

Let me know if there is any other way I can help.

Mine updates the podcast list every time I look, so, I think you are looking at caching, somewhere.

I know that this has been frowned upon by some, but I needed a bullet proof solution right now, so I made one. I have now finished making my external RSS importer (which ADDS ID3 tags meta-data to the downloaded enclosure mp3 file, before import, from the RSS feed channel title, item title & item description, so it gets imported correctly into the LT system. It also emails me imported track reports and any errors).

To go with it is my Program Schedule Updater (it updates the program title, description & genre from imported track data by drilling down through the smartblock logic). They have been running automatically for a week now without problems.

They run as two cron jobs. I will package it up and make it available soon.