AFAIK the todo list is still valid. The generic points on it aren’t real blockers though. You can already install on a AWS VM but you won’t get an automatically up-gradable system until we get to providing distro packages.
The amazon specific things (cloud-init and S3) haven’t been touched at all. I have a feeling that the S3 support might be the one you really need, using local storage on a cloudy VM only makes marginal sense.
Personally I’ve been working on an OpenShift/k8s deploy. Once done that might also be an option for cloudy deploys. I feel like the k8s way will mostly be interesting for users that already know the technology. New Linux users should probably stick to a VM for the time being.
BTW, I had some success with a cloud-init based install on (digitalocean based) and documented what I did here. It’s a bit outdated and I had issues with using and haven’t tried anything there recently.