Building up a first local community radio station 1981 in the south of France near Marseille I got a lot of experience in High Frequency FM Transmitter setup and easy to use studio equipment. 2000 we made first steps with self-made PC windows based software. Today our Onair Tool (made in Switzerland) is still running, but it is clear that we need new Onair Tools which have to be Linux based. There for I juiced Libretime. I like the philosophy to work together with a large community on non profit based projects. In our radio world we have much battles to preserve our liberty. To keep the access to non commercial radio broadcasting free is one of my first target. The world of radio broadcasting is changing and I understood that it’s the moment to increase the cooperation between radio stations, developers and technicians. We are organizing workshops for to exchange experiences and ideas with DAB and DRM with opendigitalradio.org. My actual project is to help friends to build up a new community radio in Avignon. We will use Libretime, of cause.